T. Eini, M.F.C. Quintela, J.C.G. Henriques, R.M. Ribeiro, Y. Mazor, N.M.R. Peres and I. Epstein
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.03139
Y. Gershuni and I. Epstein
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E. Landa, L. Leiderman, Y. Mazor and I. Epstein
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T. Eini, Tal Asherov, Y. Mazor and I. Epstein
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J.C.G Henriques, I. Epstein and N.M.R Peres
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P.A.D Gonçalves, T. Christensen, N.M.R Peres, A.P Jauho, I. Epstein; F.H.L Koppens, M. Soljačić and N. A Mortense
Nature Communication 12(1), 3271 (2021)
I. Epstein and F. H. L. Koppens
Optics and Photonics News 31, 40 (2020)
T. G. Rappoport*, I. Epstein*, F. H. L. Koppens, N. M. R. Peres
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ACS photonics 7, 2302–2308 (2020)
I. Epstein, D. Alcaraz, Z. Huang, J.P. Hugonin, V. Pusapati, A. Kumar, T. Khodkov, X. Deputy,
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Itai Epstein, André J Chaves, Daniel A Rhodes, Bettina Frank4 Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Harald Giessen, James C Hone, Nuno M R Peres and Frank H L Koppens
2D Materials 7, 035031 (2020).
Itai Epstein*, Bernat Terrés, André J. Chaves, Varun-Varma Pusapati, Daniel A. Rhodes, Bettina Frank, Valentin Zimmermann, Ying Qin, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Harald Giessen, Sefaattin Tongay, James C. Hone, Nuno M. R. Peres, and Frank H. L. Koppens*
Nano letters 20 (5) , 3545-3552 (2020).
Nicolas Morell, Slaven Tepsic, Antoine Reserbat-Plantey, Andrea Cepellotti, Marco Manca, Itai Epstein, Andreas Isacsson, Xavier Marie, Francesco Mauri, and Adrian Bachtold
Nano Letters 19 (5), 3143-3150 (2019)
D. A. Iranzo*, S. Nanot*, E. J. C. Dias, I. Epstein, C. Peng, D. K. Efetov, M. B. Lundeberg, R. Parret, J. Osmond, J.-Y. Hong, J. Kong, D. R. Englund, N. M. R. Peres, and F. H.L. Koppens,
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I. Epstein*, H. Suchowski*, D. Weisman*, R. Remez, and A. Arie
*equal contribution
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Y. Tsur, I. Epstein, R. Remez, and A. Arie
ACS Photonics 4, 1339-1343 (2017)
I. Epstein, Y. Tsur, and A. Arie
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I. Epstein, R. Remez, Y. Tsur, and A.Arie
Optica 3, 15-19 (2016)
Y. Tsur, I. Epstein and A. Arie
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O. Avayu, I. Epstein, E. Eizner and T.Ellenbogen
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I. Epstein, R. Remez, Y. Tsur, and A.Arie
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A. Libster-Hershko*, I. Epstein* and A. Arie
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Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 123902 (2014)
I. Epstein, Y. Lilach, and A. Arie,
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I. Epstein and A. Arie
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I. Epstein and A. Arie
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I. Epstein, I. Dolev, D. Bar-Lev, and A. Arie,
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I. Dolev, I. Epstein, and A. Arie
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O. Tal, I. Epstein, O. Snir, Y. Roichman, Y. Ganot, C. K. Chan, A. Khan, N. Tessler, Y. Rosenwaks
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